Digital Citizenship Week. October 18th – 22nd
October 18th marks the beginning of the Digital Citizenship Week that will be held at SCSA until the end of the week, on October 22, and we take this opportunity to speak inside the classrooms about ensuring children learn how to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.
But first, what is digital citizenship?
Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level.
So why is this important for students to understand?
As the world of work changes, we will need to change our skills to match. Overcoming these limitations requires a priority focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), with the rise of new technologies in biomedicine, microfabrication, robotics, and artificial intelligence. The ability to understand and apply data, and develop solutions to complex problems, will be important life skills.
Using the STEM curriculum, Southwest Charlotte STEM Academy aboard this topic with different steps and ways to bring to learn to kids:
We focus on responsible, respectful, and ethical behavior when using technology.
There are many key concepts: How the Internet works, How to find balance in their digital lives, The benefits, and risks of sharing online, How to care for everyone’s privacy, The power of words and actions, How to be kind, and How to be critical thinkers and creators in the classroom or on social media.
We take this opportunity to speak inside the classrooms about the following most important features that will stay with the student for a lifetime
- Think before you post: Just like in real life, it’s always good to take a second and consider what you‘re saying. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t say to a person’s face.
- Protect your private information: For themselves and others /Don’t share your personal information online. / Create a strong password and keep it private / Use caution when clicking links or downloading files
- Digital Footprints: Remember that anything posted online is permanent. / Stay safe online: By listening to good feelings
- Use digital tools to talk with people, not about them. / Respect themselves and others: In online communities / Get permission before sharing information about others
- Follow the school’s acceptable use guidelines
- Communicate Respectfully / Be considerate and kind in discussions or on social media / Avoid inside jokes with one party in the chat, and don’t post anything that will offend any member
- Respect other’s wishes: If a friend doesn’t want a photo or video of them shared don’t show it to anyone.
- Give proper credit when using other people’s work / Give proper credit to sources
- Know how to report posts: Stand up to cyberbullying: when see it happening report cyberbullies to parents or teachers
- Never agree to meet an online friend in person – ask your parents first! And if you see anything online that you don’t like or you find upsetting, tell someone you trust.
- Don’t ghost friends: When it’s time to get offline, let whomever you‘re talking to know you‘re leaving.
- Balance the time: Using media and other activities
Southwest Charlotte STEM Academy helps its students become digital citizens who appreciate the responsibility they hold for their choice of content and actions when going online or using cell phones!. From basic keyboarding skills to advanced ethics in online research, Chromebooks continually allow students at almost any grade level the chance to experience and sharpen their knowledge of how technology works, and how it can be used for everything from a simple homework assignment to a semester-long group project. Each student has access to one Chromebook in our school, that’s why Digital Citizenship is so important to us.