
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

New Parent FAQ for SCSA

What is the student to teacher ratio in the classroom?

20 to 1 in K-5 and about 22 to 1 in 6-8.

Is there a resource officer on campus? Half day or full day?

We do have a full time school Resource Officer. 

Is there a before and after school program?

Yes. Our contracted service providers have both before and after care for a fee. You can access their info on the website.

Does the school have bus transportation? What is the bus schedule? Where is pick-up and drop-off?

We do contracts through Olympic Transportation. Bus times will be determined based on ridership in year 4. This past year (21-22) buses typically run between 7 am until 7:45 in the morning and 3 pm until around 4:10 pm in the afternoon.

What are the car rider drop-off and pick-up times? Where do I drop-off and pick-up?

Car line begins at 7:45 and ends at 8:05 every morning. It runs from 3:00 until 3:30 every afternoon. We use the front of the school for car lines.

What kind of lunch options are in the cafeteria? How do I make payment for my student’s lunch?

We provide both breakfast and lunch daily. A federal lunch application will be provided in August. If eligible, students eat both for free or they may qualify for free or reduced price. Students can always bring in their own lunch. We have a payment system that can be done once the school year is established in August.

How do I receive communication from my student’s teacher?

The entire school uses the Parent Square communication system to send notifications, newsletters, etc.

Where do I purchase uniforms?

We use one approved vendor for school uniforms. This is the company:  https://inunisonkids.com/. Uniforms cannot be purchased on the school’s campus.

Are there any school sports?

We currently offer boys and girls basketball, volleyball, cheer, and flag football for students in grades 6-8.

What school clubs/activities are offered?

There will be a variety of clubs and organizations offered for grades K-8. We have been able to offer Chess Club, Girls on the Run, STEM centered clubs, etc. Once these clubs are determined we will communicate them to parents.

What areas of the school can I volunteer for?

There are several committees that parents can support and be a part of through our Rocket Parent Association (RPA). Look for those committees to be part of the new family orientation in early August.

Are there honor classes offered?

We offer an Accelerated Pathway for grades 3-8. These students will be determined using data such as End of Grade (EOG) and other assessment data.

Is there an Exceptional Children program here?

Yes. We do have certified EC staff to accommodate the needs of students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

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