Celebrating Veterans Day

At Southwest Charlotte STEM Academy we join to celebrate this November 11th and to honor and to commemorate the dead and the living, the men and women who in every war since this country began have given testimony to their loyalty to their country and their own great courage. They served in spite of the most difficult psychological pressures.
America has a deep moral obligation to these fine men and women. As they served us in war protecting our freedom and prosperity, so must we serve them in peace. They kept America free and enabled us to keep faith with the free world.
The theme for Veterans Day 2021 is centered on the centennial commemoration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The Tomb was initially dedicated by the Army on Armistice Day, November 11, 1921, with the burial of an unknown service member from World War I. Over the past century, additional unknowns have been buried at the Tomb, and the site has become a people’s memorial that inspires reflection on service, valor, sacrifice and mourning.
History and Meaning
The day of recognition for Veterans of the Great War (World War I) on this date was first proclaimed by President Wilson on November 11th 1919. In May 1938, the 11th of November in each year was declared a legal holiday and was known as ‘Armistice Day’.
5 Things You Don't Know About Veterans Day
- Although it is often spelled “Veteran’s Day” or “Veterans’s Day,” Veterans Day is spelled without the apostrophe.
- Between 1971 and 1977 Veterans Day was celebrated on the Fourth Monday in October
- “Armistice Day” became “Veterans Day” on June 1, 1954.
- Marines celebrate their birthday and Veterans Day with a 96-hour liberty period.
- In the 1940s, a small group of Americans lobbied to have November 11th deemed “Mayflower Day”.
10 things that you can do to encourage our children to honor veterans:
- Keep veterans and active duty military in your daily prayers.
- Attend all military Veteran parades and bring a flag to wave.
- Wave at them everywhere you see them in uniform.
- Place a flag in your yard every holiday.
- Thank veterans for their service, and tell them you are proud of them.
- Cover your heart with your hand (or hat) when saying the pledge of allegiance or singing the Star Spangled Banner.
- Honor the flag of the United States–by facing it when in passing and not letting it touch the ground.
- Support Veterans organizations in any way you can.
- Volunteer to help put flags on military graves on Memorial Day.
- Take every opportunity to speak with veterans and listen to their stories if they are willing to share them.
Charlotte’s annual Salute to Veteran Parade will be back in Uptown Charlotte, in person, on Saturday, November 6th, 2021, at 11 a.m. More than 2,000 participants will gather to honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. On this historic day, let’s keep faith. We have managed to build a better world.